Madonna Christ and Angels
Dublin Core
Madonna Christ and Angels
Parlavantzas Takis (1930-2014).
Egg tempera on cardboard,. 54 х 35 см
– He was born in Piraeus city close to Athens Hellas he studied painting sculpture Engraving stained glass at the school of Fine Arts of Athens and he granted a diploma theoretical studies and painting. He make post graduated studies two years in Amsterdam in the Royal Academy and Owen year in Paris.
– He has exhibited his painting in 9 national Greek exhibitions many personal and ones an plying his knowledge in fine arts relating with architecture he has created wall paintings sculpture mosaics and stained glass in variant buildings and public places.
– In 1971 was granted with an award from the Greek Academy of Arts and Sciences for his painting exhibited during the 11th National exhibition of fine Arts at Zappion building In 1973 the same Academy also awarded him with a price for his book the aesthetic categories in modern Art>
– He was given speeches on Art subjects for the radio and TV. He is a member of the Chamber of greek Artists and he has Been also President of diveises commities.
Egg tempera on cardboard,. 54 х 35 см
– He was born in Piraeus city close to Athens Hellas he studied painting sculpture Engraving stained glass at the school of Fine Arts of Athens and he granted a diploma theoretical studies and painting. He make post graduated studies two years in Amsterdam in the Royal Academy and Owen year in Paris.
– He has exhibited his painting in 9 national Greek exhibitions many personal and ones an plying his knowledge in fine arts relating with architecture he has created wall paintings sculpture mosaics and stained glass in variant buildings and public places.
– In 1971 was granted with an award from the Greek Academy of Arts and Sciences for his painting exhibited during the 11th National exhibition of fine Arts at Zappion building In 1973 the same Academy also awarded him with a price for his book the aesthetic categories in modern Art>
– He was given speeches on Art subjects for the radio and TV. He is a member of the Chamber of greek Artists and he has Been also President of diveises commities.
Charalambos Christoforou Collection
Συλλογή Χαράλαμπου Χριστοφόρου
Library of Cyprus University of Technology
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
Απαγορεύεται η δημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή, ηλεκτρονική ή άλλη χωρίς τη γραπτή συγκατάθεση του δημιουργού.
CHART_CA_ (255)
35.160253, 33.369239
Parlavantzas Takis , “Madonna Christ and Angels,” Αψίδα, accessed March 13, 2025,