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Oxhide-shaped ingot. Concave sides; four handles.

Within the framework of collaboration between Världskulturmuseerna and the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at Cyprus University of Technology, the digitization of a substantial portion…

Hemispherical bowl; round base; vertical string-hole projection at rim.

Hard, buff clay; semi-lustrous, brick to orange red slip; black top and inside. Incised decoration consisting of encircling lines on base; groups of parallel, vertical zigzag…

Slightly convex, conical foot with conical cavity underneath; short, cylindrical stem with encircling mid-ridge; conical lower body; convex mid-body; ridge between mid-body and upper body; slightly convex upper body; sharp rim; round, horizontal…

Round base; hemispherical body; plain rim; vertical string hole projection at rim; wide spout opposite string hole projection. Hard, light buff clay; lustrous black paint with reddish brown to brownish red decoration; two bands of parallel lines…

Round base; hemispherical body; plain rim; large, raised loop-hole handle below rim. Hard, light buff clay; lustrous black paint with reddish brown to brownish red decoration; two bands of parallel lines crossing the base at right angles on both…

Flat base; high, hollow stem; rounded outline; slightly splaying rim; two raised horizontal handles. Hard, brick clay; black glazed slip; purple and white paint. Stem and base black glazed; preserved line on lower body; preserved band on mid-body…

Mould-made. Flat back. Oval face. Prominent nose. Arms along sides. Wearing veil which falls down on the sides and back of the head.

Within the framework of collaboration between Världskulturmuseerna and the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural…

Pointed base; spindle-shaped body; concave neck; pinched mouth; flat, raised handle from rim to shoulder. Soft, buff clay; matt, light buff, shaved slip.

Within the framework of collaboration between Världskulturmuseerna and the UNESCO Chair on…

Spindle-shaped; tall, narrow tapering neck; flat out-turned rim; handle from neck to shoulder, splaying base. Incised sign on bottom. Hard, brick clay; lustrous red slip. Worn. Engraved sign on base: V.

Within the framework of collaboration…

Chalcolithic Wine Jars and the History of Wine in Cyprus
Since antiquity, grapes have been one of the most famous agricultural products and foodstuffs of Cyprus, as well as one of the basic nutritional elements of the Cypriot diet. The vine has been…
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