Madonna in Prayer
Dublin Core
Madonna in Prayer
By Giovanni Battista Salvi (1609-1685)
Oil on copper. 16 x 12.5 cm. 17th century
A portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary in prayer. Salvi, who was often referred to as Sassoferrato after his Italian birth town, is recognized for his use of the artistic style known as baroque (barocco in Italian) and often accredited for aiding the popularity of this technique during that time. His work, which was consciously anachronistic in 17th-century Rome, looked back to the 15th-century manner of Perugino and Raphael. Sassoferrato’s paintings consist for the most part of immaculately painted devotional images of the Virgin and Holy Family, usually repeated in several versions. Sassoferrato was trained in Umbria by his father before moving to Rome, where he was not entirely unaffected by contemporary painters, including Domenichino and Reni. In his late years he was active again in Umbria and in Florence, where he would have known the work of Dolci, and where he may have died. The oldest artwork ever registered for this artist is a painting sold in 1986, at Sotheby’s, and the most recent artwork is a painting sold in 2014.
Battista Salvi (1609-1685). Eλαιογραφία πάνω σε χαλκό. 16 x 12.5 εκ. 17ος αιώνας
« Παρθένος προσευχομένη ». Μάλλον πρόκειται για Μαντόνα, η οποία στην Ελληνική γλώσσα αντιστοιχεί με το όνομα της Παναγίας. Ο 17ος αιώνας, είναι εποχή κατά την οποία έδρασε ο Giovanni Batista Salvi ( + 1685 ), από τη μικρή πόλη Sassoferrato της Ιταλίας και ο οποίος καλλιέργησε στην τέχνη το είδος μπαρόκ.
Oil on copper. 16 x 12.5 cm. 17th century
A portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary in prayer. Salvi, who was often referred to as Sassoferrato after his Italian birth town, is recognized for his use of the artistic style known as baroque (barocco in Italian) and often accredited for aiding the popularity of this technique during that time. His work, which was consciously anachronistic in 17th-century Rome, looked back to the 15th-century manner of Perugino and Raphael. Sassoferrato’s paintings consist for the most part of immaculately painted devotional images of the Virgin and Holy Family, usually repeated in several versions. Sassoferrato was trained in Umbria by his father before moving to Rome, where he was not entirely unaffected by contemporary painters, including Domenichino and Reni. In his late years he was active again in Umbria and in Florence, where he would have known the work of Dolci, and where he may have died. The oldest artwork ever registered for this artist is a painting sold in 1986, at Sotheby’s, and the most recent artwork is a painting sold in 2014.
Battista Salvi (1609-1685). Eλαιογραφία πάνω σε χαλκό. 16 x 12.5 εκ. 17ος αιώνας
« Παρθένος προσευχομένη ». Μάλλον πρόκειται για Μαντόνα, η οποία στην Ελληνική γλώσσα αντιστοιχεί με το όνομα της Παναγίας. Ο 17ος αιώνας, είναι εποχή κατά την οποία έδρασε ο Giovanni Batista Salvi ( + 1685 ), από τη μικρή πόλη Sassoferrato της Ιταλίας και ο οποίος καλλιέργησε στην τέχνη το είδος μπαρόκ.
Charalambos Christoforou Collection
Συλλογή Χαράλαμπου Χριστοφόρου
Library of Cyprus University of Technology
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
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CHART_CA_ (112)
35.160253, 33.369239
Giovanni Battista Salvi , “Madonna in Prayer,” Αψίδα, accessed March 7, 2025,