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Carnival and costumes
During the ten days of carnival people in the village used to dress themselves in funny costumes by using their imagination and every kind of material available. They went around the houses asking the owners to guess who is who and all this process…
Carnival and costumes
During the ten days of carnival people in the village used to dress themselves in funny costumes by using their imagination and every kind of material available. They went around the houses asking the owners to guess who is who and all this process…
Carnival in Akanthou
Carnival in Akanthou.
Carnival Parade 1990
Participation of Agios Athanasios Municipality to the event " Grand Carnival Parade" organized by the Municipality of Limassol with a chariot called " Football violence – Fixed matches ".
Carnival Parade 1991
Participation of Agios Athanasios Municipality to the event " Grand Carnival Parade" organized by the Municipality of Limassol with a chariot called " Agios Athanasios OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY.
Carnival Parade 1992
Participation of Agios Athanasios Municipality to the event " Grand Carnival Parade" organized by the Municipality of Limassol with a chariot called " Who Eats, Eats more".
Carnival parade in Limassol
Φωτογραφία από τις 31/06/1961 από το καρναβάλι Λεμεσού.
Carnival, Limassol 1954
Φωτογραφία από την χρονιά του 1954 από το καρναβάλι Λεμεσού.
Carob Trees
Η περιοχή πάνω από τον Κεφαλόβρυσο και τον Κουτσοβέντη ήταν κατάφυτη από χαρουπιές, που ανήκαν κυρίως στους κατοίκους των άνω ενοριών.…