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Butterflies are one of the most beautiful and fragile creatures in the entire animal kingdom.They are classified as insects and are diurnal as opposed to noc turnal. They belong to the order of Lepidoptera, which also encompasses moths. Butter flies…

Το πιστόλι αυτό είναι τεκμήριο και βρίσκεται στο Μουσείο της Αστυνομίας. Χρονολογείται μετάξυ 1950-1970

In the early Byzantine period gold and silversmiths devoted much of their time to producing crosses, chalices, icons and other liturgical items. However as prosperity grew the demand for jewellery for personal adornment gave the craftsmen new…

Underneath the southern pilaster which reinforced the arch in the thirteenth century, the depictions of a building are clearly visible. This must be part of a larger representation originally depicting a scene concerning the Evangelists as opposite…

A composition containing buildings and partially the figure of Saint John Theologos (recognised by an inscription) exists behind the north respond of the thirteenth-century arch of the western section of naos and belongs to the original fresco…

The Burning Bush, which is represented on the eastern face of the western arch of the naos, along with the scene of Ezekiel with the Closed Door and the Holy Mandilion, attest the message of Incarnation through prophecies by Prophets of the Old…
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