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Se suele decir que la vida es lo que uno hace de ella. En la bella isla mediterránea de Chipre sus afables habitantes se toman este lema muy en serio. Desde el anciano que se deleita bajo la sombra de un limonero jugando una apasionante partida de…
Making Lefkara lace
Lefkara women making lace sitting in a house yard.
Η εκκλησία του Τιμίου Σταυρού στα Λεύκαρα
Η μεγαλόπρεπη Εκκλησία των Λευκάρων είναι αφιερωμένη στον Τίμιο Σταυρό και ανάγεται στο 14ο αιώνα. Συγκεκριμένα, από τοιχογραφίες που…
A linear wooden plank, with 12 cavities on the surface. Pinakoti were made by specilized carpenters, especially in Moutoullas area Cyprus. It was used for making bread. From Kisonerga.
A linear wooden plank, with 12 cavities on the surface. Pinakoti were made by specilized carpenters, especially in Moutoullas area Cyprus. It was used for making bread. From Kisonerga.
Pinakoti (double)
A linear wooden plank, with 24cavities on the surface. Pinakoti were made by specilized carpenters, especially in Moutoullas area Cyprus. It was used for making bread. From Mosfiloti.
Grandmother, daughter and grand child are making lefkara lace embrodery
Grandmother, daughter and grand child are making lefkara lace
An old woman making lefkara lace
Μιά ηλικιωμένη γυναίκα κεντώντας λευκαρίτικο
A linear wooden plank, with 12 cavities on the surface. Pinakoti were made by specilized carpenters, especially in Moutoullas area Cyprus. It was used for making bread. From Nicosia.
Pinakoti (double)
A linear wooden plank, with 24 cavities on the surface. Pinakoti were made by specilized carpenters, especially in Moutoullas area Cyprus. It was used for making bread. From Nicosia.