
Εuropa Children’s Books, Commemorative Issue

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Εuropa Children’s Books, Commemorative Issue


From immemorial times every culture has had its mythology, unique fables and traditional stories which can be traced to oral traditions handed down through generations.

Oral stories enjoyed by children include the tale of the “Asunik Tree” from Persia (Iran) dating back to 3000 years. In imperial China storytellers entertained children and their parents at public events. Greek and Roman children enjoyed listening to Homer’s Odyssey and Aesop’s fables.

Early children’s books consisted of spoken stories, songs and poems that were used to educate and entertain them. The stories conveyed moral and religious concepts while kindling their imagination. The power of storytelling was potently demonstrated when the “Arabian Nights” was compiled in the 15th century, and with the advent of printing, children’s books became possible.

The first children’s book “The Child’s Mirror” was published by Niels Bredalin in 1568. In 1634 the “Pentamerone” from Italy became the first
major published collection of European folk tales.

Many are the famous writers of Children’s literature among whom are Rudyard Kipling (Just so Stories), Hans Christian Anderson who in the 19th century travelled through Europe and collected many well-known fairy tales, and the Brothers Grimm who preserved the traditional
tales told in Germany.

Aesop, the legendary Greek Fabulist (6th Century BC) had his stories popularized by the Roman poet Phaedrus in the 1st century AD and in 1668 La Fontaine re-wrote the tales in sophisticated verse.(The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia p.10). The collection of Aesop’s fables which number more than 300, is the oldest in the world.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries became known as the golden age of Children’s books many of which are acknowledged as classics today.
The characters in the story of “Winnie the Pooh” have become symbols of childhood innocence.


Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία


Library of Cyprus University of Technology


Designer: Christina Vasiliadou


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Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, “Εuropa Children’s Books, Commemorative Issue ,” Αψίδα, accessed March 17, 2025, https://apsida.cut.ac.cy/items/show/44194.