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The idea of a year devoted to International Co-Operation that emphasizes positive co-operation as opposed to conflicts was first expounded by the Late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India during his speech at the 16th Session of the United…

Operation that emphasizes positive co-operation as opposed to conflicts was first expounded by the Late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India during his speech at the 16th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in November 1961. It was not…

Folklore is the science that studies the beliefs and traditions of a people. The manners, customs, prose, dance songs, fairy tales, myths, every intellectual creation such as poetry, superstitions, exorcisms, spells, melodious lullabies, folk…

Folklore is the science that studies the beliefs and traditions of a people. The manners, customs, prose, dance songs, fairy tales, myths, every intellectual creation such as poetry, superstitions, exorcisms, spells, melodious lullabies, folk…

Originally a monastery, today’s church of Saint John Lambadistis is a complex of three churches: Agios Irakleidios (11th century), Saint John Lambadistis (1731) and a Latin chapel – all under a single pitched roof. The church is a listed UNESCO…

Folklore is the science that studies the beliefs and traditions of a people. The manners, customs, prose, dance songs, fairy tales, myths, every intellectual creation such as poetry, superstitions, exorcisms, spells, melodious lullabies, folk…

The overall social policy of the government covers three main objectives, these being: the securing of a minimum acceptable standard of living for all its citizens, the attainment of a more equitable distribution of the national income, and the…

This exquisite silver plate dating from the 7th century A.D. was discovered in 1902 together with other famous treasures in what was once the flourishing and wealthy city kingdom of Lambousa. The scene, that of the wedding of David and Mikhal younger…
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