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Έκθεση σύνθεσης λουλουδιών ΙΚΕΠΑΝΑ που διοργάνωσε ο δήμος Αγίου Αθανασίου αφιερωμένη στην Πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά όπου συνδιάζεται…

Glyka tou koutaliou are sweets served in a tiny spoon as a gesture of hospitality. These spoon sweets are made from unusual fruits and vegetables, like figs, cherries, watermelon peel, walnuts or almond stuffed baby aubergines. They are often…

Soutzoukos is a traditional sweet of Cyprus, made by dipping strings of almonds into the palouzes juice ( a blancmange of grape juice).
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