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Bee-keeping in Cyprus has a history going back many centuries and visitors today to monasteries and villages can still come across beehives which are tended by monks and village folk.
Dennis Possot, a priest on his way to the Holy Places landed in…

Bee-keeping in Cyprus has a history going back many centuries and visitors today to monasteries and villages can still come across beehives which are tended by monks and village folk.
Dennis Possot, a priest on his way to the Holy Places landed in…

The church is dedicated to Saints Barnabas and
Hilarion. It was probably built in the 9th or 10th
century and is an outstanding example of Cypriot
Byzantine architecture.

kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) poet, philosopher and painter writing about children in his book "The Prophet", said: "Your children are not your children They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you,…

In Greek mythology, Orpheus, son of the Thracian King Oeagrus and the Muse Calliope, was the most famous poet and musician who ever lived. Apollo presented him with the lyre and the Muses taught him its use, so that he not only enchanted wild beasts…

Μεταλλικό εργαλείο από φύλλο λαμαρίνας. Το σώμα του έχει σχήμα κόλουρου κώνου, με στενό κυλινδρικό λαιμό από πρόσθετο έλασμα, που…

The French revolution with its motto of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity had a profound impact on western civilization. The statue of Liberty donated by the French to an emerging new democracy became a beacon for those seeking freedom and a new…

Μεταλλικό εργαλείο από φύλλο λαμαρίνας. Το σώμα του έχει σχήμα κόλουρου κώνου, με στενό κυλινδρικό λαιμό από πρόσθετο έλασμα, που…

Ψεκαστήρας ο οποίος αποτελείται από το δοχείο αποθήκευσης του φυτοφαρμάκου, το σωλήνα εκτόξευσης του και το φυσερό που παράγει αέρα.…

When in 1988, the Armenian city of Spitak was completed devastated by an earthquake that left some 25,000 dead, and thousands homeless, the Republic of Cyprus was among the very first countries to reach out to the victims by providing medicines and…
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