The Football World Cup was first staged in 1930 in Uruguay. Since then football has become a globalised game that excites and attracts millions of fans from around the world. The Brazilians call it “jogo bonito”, the beautiful game.
Cyprus attained its independence in 1960, and as the Independent Republic of Cyprus became a member of the Commonwealth in 1961. Ever since then, Cyprus has been actively participating with other Commonwealth countries in promoting the common…
The story of Cyprus Airways, the National Airline, is one of birth, devastation, resurgence and success reliable airlines operating the most technically advanced aircraft. Its emblem is the stylized Moufflon of Cyprus. It began operations in 1948…
The decision of the European Council of Ministers to declare the year 1990 as the "European Year of Tourism" was designed to emphasize the role and development of tourism. Tourism, an activity turned into an industry, affects every society in many…
Established in 1993, the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO) is a political organisation with its International Secretariat based at the Hellenic Parliament in Athens. It consists of parliamentary delegations from 25 countries including…