Horses, Thematic Issue
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Horses, Thematic Issue
Looking at the magnificent breeds of horses we have, it would be hard for anyone to believe that they evolved from multi-toed dwarf creatures that lived some 55 million years ago. These days a horse measuring less than 147cm at maturity is considered to be a pony.
Over many thousands of years, man has by selective breeding determined the shape, colour, size and the task for which a horse is bred. There are many breeds such as the Andalusian, known for its docility and the Arab for its gracefulness. At Tübengen University in Germany, one can see mankind’s earliest work of art, a 35,000 years old wild horse made from mammoth ivory.
The Hyskos introduced the horse into Egypt after 1800 BC and by 1600 BC they were being used in war with chariots. In the Tell-el-Amarna letters they are mentioned as imported to Egypt from Mesopotamia and Cyprus. In the 144th Olympiad in 204 BC a Cypriot from Karpasia named Ariston was the champion rider in the “Mature Riding Horses” class.
Ιn China, horses were highly valued because of the superiority of cavalry over infantry in war. In 101 BC the Emperor Wu in the Chinese capital of Chang’an composed the following poem/hymn while awaiting the arrival of more than thirty superior horses from a successful military campaign:
The Heavenly horses are coming Coming from the West They crossed the flowing sands For the barbarians are conquered.
The heavenly horses have comeAnd the dragon will follow in their wakeI shall reach the heavens I shall see the Palace of God. (from the Silk Road by Francis Wood)
Over many thousands of years, man has by selective breeding determined the shape, colour, size and the task for which a horse is bred. There are many breeds such as the Andalusian, known for its docility and the Arab for its gracefulness. At Tübengen University in Germany, one can see mankind’s earliest work of art, a 35,000 years old wild horse made from mammoth ivory.
The Hyskos introduced the horse into Egypt after 1800 BC and by 1600 BC they were being used in war with chariots. In the Tell-el-Amarna letters they are mentioned as imported to Egypt from Mesopotamia and Cyprus. In the 144th Olympiad in 204 BC a Cypriot from Karpasia named Ariston was the champion rider in the “Mature Riding Horses” class.
Ιn China, horses were highly valued because of the superiority of cavalry over infantry in war. In 101 BC the Emperor Wu in the Chinese capital of Chang’an composed the following poem/hymn while awaiting the arrival of more than thirty superior horses from a successful military campaign:
The Heavenly horses are coming Coming from the West They crossed the flowing sands For the barbarians are conquered.
The heavenly horses have comeAnd the dragon will follow in their wakeI shall reach the heavens I shall see the Palace of God. (from the Silk Road by Francis Wood)
Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
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Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, “Horses, Thematic Issue,” Αψίδα, accessed March 7, 2025,