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Saint John the Merciful, dressed in a prelate’s uniform, is depicted in the prothesis recess, the northern counterpart area of diakonikon. He is a local saint, as his birthplace was Amathus and his parents were Cypriots.
The portrait of Saint…

The scene of the Nativity of Mary occupies the lunette’s tympanum on the northern wall within the bema area and according to stylistic terms, it is dated to the original programme of the mural decoration of the church.
The episode consists of two…

On the lower zone of the north-east recess within the bema area, Romanus Melodus the Hymnographer is depicted. Along with him, there are other saints who cannot be identified due to the poor preservation of the frescoes

On the soffit of the north arch in the bema area, there are four medallions depicting prelates. Although they cannot be recognised by name, the easternmost of them were identified as Saint Spyridon, due to his distinctive basket cap, and Saint…

In order to numerically examine the structural response of the Asinou church, a Finite Element (FE) model was developed in Abaqus/CAE. For the simulation of the masonry, the stone-mortar composite was treated as a homogenous continuum whose…

In order to handle the massive problems caused by the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, with 200.000 Greek Cypriots displaced in their own country, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus set up a “Special Refugee Fund”. To support the Fund…

The icon of the Birth of Christ is found on the temple of the church of Our Lady (Panayia) Odigitria in Galata. The icon was hagiographed by the monk and later abbot of the Holy Church of Stavrovouni, Dionysios, who came from Galata, in 1930 and…

The Common Chaffinch, the European Greenfinch and the European Goldfinch belong to the family Fringillidae. Their special characteristic is the big conical beak used for crushing and peeling seeds, which are their basic food. They nest in Cyprus and…

Established in 1993, the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (IAO) is a political organisation with its International Secretariat based at the Hellenic Parliament in Athens. It consists of parliamentary delegations from 25 countries including…
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