Last Supper
Dublin Core
Last Supper
In the lunette above the western door of the naos, leading to the narthex, two scenes of the life of Christ are depicted. The northern shows the Last Supper and like the neighbouring murals, it is dated to the original mural painting executed by the Asinou Master.
Iconographically speaking, Christ and the Apostles are gathered around a semi-circular table. Christ and Saint Peter possess the seats of honour on each side of the table, as the Hellenistic custom on which the scene is based on dictates. On the table, in front of Christ, there are a whole loaf of bread, a cup, a fork and a knife and in front of Peter, a piece of bread, a drinking cup and a knife. Also, on the table there is a bowl with a large fish in it. The fish is the symbol of Christ since the early days of Christianity. Jesus is depicted in a gesture of blessing and his image expresses severity. Judas has an extreme posture as he extends his hand across the table and his face is depicted in profile. This is not unusual in Byzantine art as it shows weakness and harsh features. It is believed that this is the exact moment when Jesus announced to His followers that one of them would betray him. Therefore, Judas’ posture and the confusion on the Apostles’ faces can be explained.
Iconographically speaking, Christ and the Apostles are gathered around a semi-circular table. Christ and Saint Peter possess the seats of honour on each side of the table, as the Hellenistic custom on which the scene is based on dictates. On the table, in front of Christ, there are a whole loaf of bread, a cup, a fork and a knife and in front of Peter, a piece of bread, a drinking cup and a knife. Also, on the table there is a bowl with a large fish in it. The fish is the symbol of Christ since the early days of Christianity. Jesus is depicted in a gesture of blessing and his image expresses severity. Judas has an extreme posture as he extends his hand across the table and his face is depicted in profile. This is not unusual in Byzantine art as it shows weakness and harsh features. It is believed that this is the exact moment when Jesus announced to His followers that one of them would betray him. Therefore, Judas’ posture and the confusion on the Apostles’ faces can be explained.
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
Library of Cyprus University of Technology
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
Απαγορεύεται η δημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή, ηλεκτρονική ή άλλη χωρίς τη γραπτή συγκατάθεση του δημιουργού.
35.046355, 32.973431
Ioannides, Marinos, “Last Supper,” Αψίδα, accessed March 9, 2025,