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  • Tags: Εικόνες--Μεταβυζαντινές--Κύπρος

In the lower zone of the blind southern niche in the western side of the naos, three saint-monks are depicted, from left to right: Thedosius the Abbot, Arsenius and Ephrem Syrus.

Saint Theodore Stratelatis and saint Theodore Tiron are depicted on the east side of the north door within the same panel, in accordance to the tradition which dictates their representation along one another. Theodores along with Saint George across…

Saints Cosmas and Damian, the so-called Anargyroi, decorate the zone west of the northern door of the narthex. They were twin brothers, therefore the garments which they are depicted with are identical. The same applies for their insignia, a…

Clad in imperial vestments, Saints Constantine and Helen are depicted on the upper part of the blind south-western arch of the naos. Located between them, the two Saints are represented holding the Holy Cross. The scene embodies their Discovery of…

The panel of Saint Barnabas and Epiphanius is located in the centre of the lowest zone of the apse of the bema area. The panel evokes a portable icon and its distinctive placement honour their attribution as Cypriot prelates and, especially,…

Four medallions containing the busts of martyrs and a gemmed cross-monogram were painted on the central part of the soffit of the south-western recess of the naos. The martyrs from left to right are: Bacchus, Sergius, Florus and Laurus.

Frontally illustrated are two panels of saints which flank either side of the western door, leading from the naos to the narthex. The figures of these monks belong to the original wall-painting programme, as does the western side of the naos. All…
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