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Στη φωτογραφία διακρίνονται η Βαρβάρα Χρίστου, Μάριος Ονησιφόρου και Φαίδωνας Ποταμίτης.

Διασκέδαση Λεμεσιανών κατά τη διάρκεια του καρναβαλιού. Στην φωτογραφία διακρίνεται ο Γαβρίλης Ποταμίτης, η Γενοβέφα Αγγελινίδου, ο…

The Carnival is a great popular festival the roots of which are lost in antiquity and which our people, despite the enormous difficulties encountered in their long history, have preserved and honoured to this day.

As an institution and traditional…

The Carnival is a great popular festival the roots of which are lost in antiquity and which our people, despite the enormous difficulties encountered in their long history, have preserved and honoured to this day.

As an institution and traditional…
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