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Engraving "Apollon Musagete" ,no 102, 1814. From the book:" Galerie du Musée de France ", book with engravings.

Έργο: Απόστολος Ανδρέας
Χρονολογία: 1700
Καλλιτέχνης/Σχολή: Χειρ Χριστοδούλου Ιερομονάχου
Προέλευση: Από τον ναό Αγίας Άννας Συρκανιάς,…

By Aristidis Patsoglou (1941-). Fresco. 50x40cm
Signature on bottom

Αριστείδης Πατσόγλου (1941-). Τοιχογραφία. 50x40cm.

Apostle Paul is located on the north respond of the western transverse arch of the naos while Saint Peter is portrayed opposite, on the south respond. The respond was placed as a reinforcement during alterations took place in the thirteenth century,…

Apostle Peter is painted on the south respond of the western transverse arch of the western bay while Saint Paul is located opposite on the north respond. The respond was placed as a reinforcement during alterations took place in the thirteenth…

Traditionally in the composition of the Last Judgement, Apostles adjoin Christ the Judge alongside with Virgin and John the Baptist but at Asinu a deviation is attested. The Apostles are dispersed to the four pendentives of the sail vault of the…

Φωτογραφία από την δεκαετία του 1950-1960 στην οποία απεικονίζεται η εκκλησία του Αποστόλου Ανδρέα.

Apotropaic stone with elaborate relief and the inscription ΙΣ ΧΣ ΝΙ ΚΑ. It is found at the entrance to the museum of the Monastery. Its original place is unknown
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