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Amathous is one of the ancient city-kingdoms of Cyprus where, according to mythology, Greek hero Theseus left the pregnant Ariadne to be attended by local women. Amathous was an important site of worship of the goddess Aphrodite-Astarte.…

Cylindrical can, with the upper part open. It is used for calculating the quantity of agriculture products. During the Turkish occupation of Cyprus, it was used to qalculate the tax. Every ten cans of products, one can was kept as tax.

Cylindrical can, with the upper part open. It is used for calculating the quantity of agriculture products. During the Turkish occupation of Cyprus, it was used to qalculate the tax. Every ten cans of products, one can was kept as tax.

Cylindrical can, with the upper part open. It is used for calculating the quantity of agriculture products. During the Turkish occupation of Cyprus, it was used to qalculate the tax. Every ten cans of products, one can was kept as tax.

Φωτογραφία από τις 17/02/1960 από αμερικάνους τουρίστες που επισκέφθηκαν το μουσείο.

The amphitheatre is the hosting venue of variety music and dancing performances, such as Jazz and Latin during the summer period.
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