1st April 2015, marks the 60th Anniversary of the commencement of the EOKA struggle for the liberation of Cyprus and its Union with Greece which finally led to the creation of the Republic of Cyprus. During a period of four years, the people of…
In order to handle the massive problems caused by the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, with 200.000 Greek Cypriots displaced in their own country, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus set up a “Special Refugee Fund”. To support the Fund…
Persefoni Papadopoulou
She was born in Ktima, Paphos, in 1888 and died in Patra, in Pelloponisos in 1949. She graduated from the Arsakeio school in Athens with excellence and immediately started work as a teacher in Famagusta and then in Larnaca as…
Οn 20th July 1974 Turkey invaded Cyprus. But instead of restoring the legitimate government as envisaged in Article 3 of the Cyprus
Treaty of Guarantee, it resorted to divide the island with the result that about 200,000 people had to flee from…
The three icons of this year’s Christmas issue together with another 169 ecclesiastical treasures which had been looted from churches in the North were repatriated in November 2013 from Munich, Germany, after many years of legal battles.