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  • Collection: Δήμος Παραλιμνίου, Σύγχρονες Φωτογραφίες

The chapel of Agios Panteleimonas was built on top of two previous chapels that were destroyed. The present chapel is stone built and has a wooden roof. Inside there are some particularly beautiful, contemporary frescoes. Οne depicts Mother Mary…

The hill of Prophet Elias is a very well-known point of interest in the area of Paralimni for it offers panoramic views. Ancient findings indicate the existence of a Neolithic settlement in the area (7000 years old) .

The holy church of St. John, Byzantine Period.
Ruins from an old settlement located in the surrounding area are date in 300-1200 A.D

The Traditional House of the Paralimni Municipality is an old house, built at the beginning of the 19th century, with the sun room facing south. Originally, it consisted of the double room, a smaller room with an arch and the sun room with two…

Άννα Ττόφκια, Μαρία Ματζιούκα και ∆έσποινα Μάρκου (Κάττου) από το Παραλίμνι.

Μηλού Ζ. Κουζαλή, Αντωνού Μουλαζίμη, Αγλαΐα Παράσχου, Ζιμπουλού Ηλία Μέρτακα, Ελένη Λευτέρη Ξιούρου, Μαρία Α. Βουλιανής, Αννεττού…
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