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  • Collection: Δήμος Παραλιμνίου, Σύγχρονες Φωτογραφίες

The hill of Prophet Elias is a very well-known point of interest in the area of Paralimni for it offers panoramic views. Ancient findings indicate the existence of a Neolithic settlement in the area (7000 years old) .

Picture of a stone sarcophagus decorated with ornate carvings and paintings. The sarcophagus was found in an ancient tomb in the area of Fig Tree Bay in Protaras (1000 B.C – 300 A.D).

According to legend this is the cave where the Cyclop Polyphemus was living (10000 B.C. – 100 B.C). The one-eyed giant was the son of Poseidon and Thoosa in Greek mythology and he first appears in the ninth book of Homer’s Odyssey. Pre-neolithic…

The holy church of St. John, Byzantine Period.
Ruins from an old settlement located in the surrounding area are date in 300-1200 A.D

Ο Γεώργιος Μιχαήλη Χ” Ανδρέα και η εξαδέλφη του Κατερίνα Κίτσιου από το Παραλίμνι.
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