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  • Subject is exactly "Μαγειρική--Κυπριακή "

Soutzoukos is a traditional sweet of Cyprus, made by dipping strings of almonds into the palouzes juice ( a blancmange of grape juice).

Glyka tou koutaliou are sweets served in a tiny spoon as a gesture of hospitality. These spoon sweets are made from unusual fruits and vegetables, like figs, cherries, watermelon peel, walnuts or almond stuffed baby aubergines. They are often…

Ο επισκέπτης του Φοινιού αποχαιρετά το χωριό συνήθως με ένα κουτί φοινιώτικα λουκούμια στο χέρι. Θέλει να κρατήσει κάτι από τη γλύκα της…

People in Agios Athanasios used to organize excursions to the countryside quite often and prepared the traditional “souvla” (pieces of meat cooked on charcoal )and they enjoyed themselves, eating and singing till late in the afternoon.

Grinding wheat by the use of traditional stone mills for the preparation “resi” which is a traditional cypriot dish of wheat cooked in lamb broth. People used to sing and dance with the stone mills in their hands. The feast followed the wedding…

“Resi” was prepared in large quantities so as to be offered to all guests present in the feast that followed the wedding ceremony which lasted for three whole days in the mid 60’s.

Cyprus cuisine being a Mediterranean one, is one of the healthiest in spite of the fullness in flavors.

Παρασκευή παλουζέ σε πιο εξελιγμένη μορφή.Ο παλουζές ψήνεται σε ειδικά διαμορφωμένο δοχείο, ανακατεύεται αυτόματα χωρίς να αγγίζει…

Το ψήσιμο του παλουζέ μέσα στο χαρτζί έχει ήδη ολοκληρωθεί. Μετά τοποθετείται σε μικρά κουτιά, τα οποία θα πωληθούν. Κάποια από τα…
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