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Christ is standing on top of the broken doors of Hell and holds Adam by the hand raising him from his tomb. Behind him, Eve is standing in the company of others. On the other side of Christ, kings and lords are watching. This icon is found in the…

Christ with bound hands is dragged by two soldiers. Behind him a host of soldiers. In front of him, His cross is raised by Simon of Cyrene. This icon is found on the south aisle of the iconostasis in the Katholikon and belongs to the enriched cycle…

Church of Virgin Mary, Asinou / Church of Virgin Mary, Moutoullas / Church of Virgin Mary, Podithou / Three Apostles, St. Ioannis Lampadistis Monastery / Annunciation, Church of the Holy Cross, Pelentri /Saints, Church of the Cross, Ayiasmati /…

Φωτογραφία από την δεκαετία του 1950-1960 με θαλάσσια αθλήματα στην Κερύνεια.
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