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  • Creator is exactly "Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία

Spells and lullabies have played a significant role in all cultures of the world, and Cyprus is no exception to this universal phenomenon. Here is an example of each from Cypriot culture. A Spell:""In the name of the Father and the Son and of the…

Spells and lullabies have played a significant role in all cultures of the world, and Cyprus is no exception to this universal phenomenon. Here is an example of each from Cypriot culture. A Spell:""In the name of the Father and the Son and of the…

In the 20 years since its independence, Cyprus has had to provide significant improvements in the life of its citizens in spite of the destruction in 1974 resulting from the Turkish invasion, occupation of 37% of the land and appropriations of large…

President Makarios in his address to the United Nations on 7th October 1975 said: ""In today’s small world, values and fundamentals such as peace, freedom, cultural and economic justice are essential. In addition cooperation between peoples and…

The wall painting of the Archangel Gabriel and Christ Emmanuel forms part of a much larger painting where it appears just below a choir of twelve prophets who foretell Christ's coming to earth. The message is then taken up by the Annunciation and…

As a people, Cypriots are very religious. Faith is very important to the Cypriots and the Church has a distinct place in society. The name day of the Archbishop is a state holiday for the schools, while the church is energetically involved in…

On 4th March 1964, the Security Council adopted unanimously Resolution 186(1964) whereby noting the situation with regard to Cyprus: Called upon all members to refrain from the threat of use of force against the territorial integrity or political…

The stamp depicts the "Palaestra" wrestling school, which forms part of the sanctuary of Apollo Hylates in Curium and erected circa 100 A.D. In the 4th century the Phoenician "Reshef " became identified with the God Apollo and "Hylates", the local…

This set closed a chapter in the history of Cyprus stamps that did not portray the island's soul, traditions and values. It was a period where the ideal was everything British and more over that of the King or Queen. In the stamps of this period…
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