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The Holy Mandylion, which is represented on the eastern face of the western arch of the naos, along with the Burning Bush and the scene of Ezekiel with the Closed Door, attest the message of Incarnation through prophecies of the Old Testament. In contrast, the message of Incarnation beyond time is the theme that the Annunciation scene on the western face of the eastern transverse arch bears.
The Mandylion, is depicted hanged by two snitches, and its form corresponds to the late Byzantine way of representation. However, it bears the face of Christ within a halo, whose type reminisces its middle Byzantine custom of depiction.
As a pictorial theme, in iconographic programs of churches in Cyprus, the Mandylion possesses a distinctive role, and bears a symbolic message, it reaffirms the incarnation of God, Jesus. The custom, was to be depicted on the western side of the bema arch, but here at Asinu is located across.
The relocation of the Mandylion serves a purpose. The two Prophets, flanking the Mandylion, are turned towards the centre of attention, the Bush and the Closed door, of their scenes and in this way they gaze towards the Mandylion. Actually they stare at the physical proof of their words, and the mandylion connects them to the Annunciation.
According to scholars beliefs, the placement of the Holy Mandylion and the Ancient of Days, in the apex of the transverse arches, may substitute the absence of Pantokrator in the central apex of the nave.
The Mandylion, is depicted hanged by two snitches, and its form corresponds to the late Byzantine way of representation. However, it bears the face of Christ within a halo, whose type reminisces its middle Byzantine custom of depiction.
As a pictorial theme, in iconographic programs of churches in Cyprus, the Mandylion possesses a distinctive role, and bears a symbolic message, it reaffirms the incarnation of God, Jesus. The custom, was to be depicted on the western side of the bema arch, but here at Asinu is located across.
The relocation of the Mandylion serves a purpose. The two Prophets, flanking the Mandylion, are turned towards the centre of attention, the Bush and the Closed door, of their scenes and in this way they gaze towards the Mandylion. Actually they stare at the physical proof of their words, and the mandylion connects them to the Annunciation.
According to scholars beliefs, the placement of the Holy Mandylion and the Ancient of Days, in the apex of the transverse arches, may substitute the absence of Pantokrator in the central apex of the nave.
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
Library of Cyprus University of Technology
Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology
Απαγορεύεται η δημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή, ηλεκτρονική ή άλλη χωρίς τη γραπτή συγκατάθεση του δημιουργού.
35.046355, 32.973431
Ioannides, Marinos, “Mandylion,” Αψίδα, accessed March 6, 2025,