Tenth Anniversary of the Euro, Commemorative Issue
Dublin Core
Tenth Anniversary of the Euro, Commemorative Issue
In finalizing the Economic and Monetary Union, the European Union introduced on 1st January 1999 the Euro as a new virtual currency. On 1st January 2002 the Euro coins and banknotes were put into circulation and by 2014 eighteen countries from the European Union had adopted the Euro as their national currency.
The Euro stands alongside the U.S. Dollar and the Pound Sterling as a world reserve currency. The Persian King Darius I (521-486 BC) had organized the first world currency, called “Daric”.
Throughout history coin and banknote portraitures have been used to promote and perpetuate the memory of personalities, political events or moral virtues, or simply express an imperial authority such as in the Cyprus coins and banknotes that depict Queen Victoria or her successors.
The Roman Emperor Augustus called himself “Son of God” and this inscription appeared on his coinage. In 43 AD Emperor Claudius had a silver coin minted at Caesarea in modern Turkey to celebrate his conquest of Britain. In 1999 China issued a 50 yuan banknote bearing the image of Chairman Mao.
The Euro stands alongside the U.S. Dollar and the Pound Sterling as a world reserve currency. The Persian King Darius I (521-486 BC) had organized the first world currency, called “Daric”.
Throughout history coin and banknote portraitures have been used to promote and perpetuate the memory of personalities, political events or moral virtues, or simply express an imperial authority such as in the Cyprus coins and banknotes that depict Queen Victoria or her successors.
The Roman Emperor Augustus called himself “Son of God” and this inscription appeared on his coinage. In 43 AD Emperor Claudius had a silver coin minted at Caesarea in modern Turkey to celebrate his conquest of Britain. In 1999 China issued a 50 yuan banknote bearing the image of Chairman Mao.
Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Library of Cyprus University of Technology
Designer: Nicolas Ladommatos
Απαγορεύεται η δημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή, ηλεκτρονική ή άλλη χωρίς τη γραπτή συγκατάθεση του δημιουργού.
2009CS93, 2009CS94
35.160417, 33.346556
Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, “Tenth Anniversary of the Euro, Commemorative Issue,” Αψίδα, accessed March 5, 2025, https://apsida.cut.ac.cy/items/show/44179.