Εchinodermata of Cyprus, Thematic Issue
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Εchinodermata of Cyprus, Thematic Issue
Echinodermata are among many wonders of the sea and are part of the exotic marine life on our planet. There are some 7000 known species of echinodermata. Anyone may have seen a star fish on the beach but none can live on land or in fresh water. The majority live at the bottom of the sea and can creep from place to place. Few can swim and float. The star fish is a predator and is common in shallow waters.
All echinoderms are creatures with body constructions which point outwards from the centre of the body like spikes in a wheel. They occur in multiples of five but some exceptions exist. On the underside of a sea star one can see hundreds of tiny feet arranged into several rows on each ray. These so called tube feet are filled with sea water and can help them to capture and hold prey, or hold onto rocks in a swift current.
Echinoderms’ reproduction is by external fertilization. Eggs and sperm are freely discharged into the water and while some sea urchins brood their eggs in special pouches, most do not provide parental care.
Echinodermata are interesting and fascinating animals with amazing adaptability.
All echinoderms are creatures with body constructions which point outwards from the centre of the body like spikes in a wheel. They occur in multiples of five but some exceptions exist. On the underside of a sea star one can see hundreds of tiny feet arranged into several rows on each ray. These so called tube feet are filled with sea water and can help them to capture and hold prey, or hold onto rocks in a swift current.
Echinoderms’ reproduction is by external fertilization. Eggs and sperm are freely discharged into the water and while some sea urchins brood their eggs in special pouches, most do not provide parental care.
Echinodermata are interesting and fascinating animals with amazing adaptability.
Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία
Library of Cyprus University of Technology
Designer: Ioanna Kalli
Απαγορεύεται η δημοσίευση ή αναπαραγωγή, ηλεκτρονική ή άλλη χωρίς τη γραπτή συγκατάθεση του δημιουργού.
2007CS32, 2007CS33, 2007CS34, 2007CS35
35.160417, 33.346556
Cyprus Post, Republic of Cyprus
Κυπριακά Ταχυδρομεία, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, “Εchinodermata of Cyprus, Thematic Issue
,” Αψίδα, accessed March 16, 2025, https://apsida.cut.ac.cy/items/show/44161.