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The history of Europe may be divided into two major periods. A period of wars and dissentions, of societal or economic relations or differences, a history of destruction of limited duration according to unfolding events at any particular time, and…

The “Tombs of the Kings” are one of the major archaeological attractions of Paphos. These monumental underground tombs carved out of solid rock date back to the 3rd century BC and some are decorated with Doric pillars. High ranking officials…

The Limassol castle consists of a palimpsest of structures. On the exact place a 13th-century church was gradually transformed into the fort we see today. However, until its final form, edifices of distinct roles occupied the site. In chronological…

The reign of King George V saw the First World War in which an estimated 10 million men lost their lives, the Irish Free State Settlement of 1922 and the general strike of 1926. The post war years became known as the roaring twenties. He began the…

The reign of King George V saw the First World War in which an estimated 10 million men lost their lives, the Irish Free State Settlement of 1922 and the general strike of 1926. The post war years became known as the roaring twenties. He began the…

The reign of King George V saw the First World War in which an estimated 10 million men lost their lives, the Irish Free State Settlement of 1922 and the general strike of 1926. The post war years became known as the roaring twenties. He began the…
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