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Agios Mamas Church
The cathedral of Morphou, this church was built in the 16th century on the remains of older churches according to the Franco-byzantine style. After 1974, the church was converted into a museum. In 2009 the altar was restored and partial repair works…
Agios Mamas Church
The cathedral of Morphou, this church was built in the 16th century on the remains of older churches according to the Franco-byzantine style. After 1974, the church was converted into a museum. In 2009 the altar was restored and partial repair works…
Panayia Galktotrofousa in Apsiou
Η εκκλησία Παναγίας Γαλακτοτροφούσης ευρίσκεται στο Νοτιοανατολικό άκρο του παραδοσιακού πυρήνα στο χωριό Αψιού. Σύμφωνα μα τον κώδικα…
Panayia Galktotrofousa in Asomatos
Η εκκλησία της Παναγίας Γαλακτοτροφούσας είναι κτισμένη ανάμεσα στις φυτείες του Φασουρίου στα Β/Δ και σε μικρή απόσταση από το…
Agios Mamas Church
The cathedral of Morphou, this church was built in the 16th century on the remains of older churches according to the Franco-byzantine style. After 1974, the church was converted into a museum. In 2009 the altar was restored and partial repair works…
Agios Mamas Church
The cathedral of Morphou, this church was built in the 16th century on the remains of older churches according to the Franco-byzantine style. After 1974, the church was converted into a museum. In 2009 the altar was restored and partial repair works…
Agios Mamas Church
The cathedral of Morphou, this church was built in the 16th century on the remains of older churches according to the Franco-byzantine style. After 1974, the church was converted into a museum. In 2009 the altar was restored and partial repair works…
Panayia tou Kampou in Akapnou
Η εκκλησία της Παναγίας του κάμπου βρίσκεται όπως φανερώνει και το όνομα της σε ένα μεγάλο κάμπο στην Δυτική άκρη του χωριού Ακαπνού.…
Panayia Iamatiki in Arakapas
Η εκκλησία είναι κτισμένη στην Ανατολική άκρη της κοινότητας Αρακαπά. Δεν είναι γνωστό πότε ακριβώς κτίστηκε. Ο Αρχιμαντρίτης Κυπριανός…
Panayia Kivotos in Agios Theodoros in Pitsilia
Η εκκλησία της Παναγίας Kιβωτού είναι κτισμένη στον παραδοσιακό πυρήνα του χωριού Άγιος Θεόδωρος. Είναι μονόκλιτη ξυλόστεγη εκκλησία…