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  • Tags: Χριστιανική τέχνη και συμβολισμός

Unknown artist. Russian icon art. 110.5 x 76.5 cm
From the life of Christ. In the center the resurrection and around this are twelve icons about the life of Christ

Αγνώστου καλλιτέχνη. Ρώσικη εικόνα. 110.5 x 76.5…

Greek icon. Signed by F .Tsekouras. 41 cm x 32см

Ελληνική εικόνα. Φέρει υπογραφή Φ. Τσέκουρας. 41 cm x 32εκ

Russian Icon Art. 69 x 54 cm

Ρώσικη εικόνα. 69 x 54 εκ.

Unknown artist.Russian icon art . 89cm x 67см
Two Saints on the left and right of the icon

Αγνώστου καλλιτέχνη. Ρώσικη εικόνα. 89cm x 67 εκ

Unknown artist. Oil painting on tin. 28 x 34cm. 17th century
A Latin American painting of Saint Joseph, the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, dating back to the 17th century. Latin American art

Αγνώστου καλλιτέχνη.…

Athena Tarsouli (1884-1975) . Oil on paper. 28 x 21 cm
A depiction of a priest in front of a chapel nestled among three Cypress trees, by the Athenian writer, poet, folksinger and painter, Athena Tarsouli. Tarsouli is also well-known in Cyprus for…

By the artist Dialetis Evgnomon (1939-). Oil on hardboard. 106 x 76 cm. Signed
The depiction of a female supplicant (meaning a person in prayer) by Evgnomon Dialetis, who was born in Athens in 1939.

Ευγνώμονας Διαλετής(1939-). …

Oil on tin. 16 x 11 см
A Latin American portrayal of a Saint and protector although it is not clear as to who he is. Latin American art.

Ελαιογραφία. 16 x 11 εκ.
« Αλληγορική χριστιανική σκηνή ».…

By the Zakynthian artist Pelekasis Spyros (1843 – 1916)
Icon on wood. 35х26 cm. Signed
Jesus, wearing his crown of thorns, stands holding a rod in his hand with his disciples congregated around him and Simon of Cyrene carrying the cross of…

Oil painting on canvas. 100 x 190 cm. 17th Century.
Latin American art

Ελαιογραφία σε καμβά. 100 x 190 εκ. 17ος αιώνας.
Λατινοαμερικάνικη τέχνη
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