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The three icons of this year’s Christmas issue together with another 169 ecclesiastical treasures which had been looted from churches in the North were repatriated in November 2013 from Munich, Germany, after many years of legal battles.

The 64c…

The miniature sheet depicts an interesting icon of Italian workmanship with the Blessed Virgin Mary shown full face seated on a marble throne, holding the Child Christ and supported by Agios Georgios on her left and Agios Nikolaos on her right.


Φωτογραφία από την δεκαετία του 1950-1960 από χριστουγεννιάτικο θεατρικό έργο στο δημοτικό
σχολείο Λυκαβητού.

This is one of the two Christmas issues where the designer's presentation is modern and is not based on existing works of great religious worth or meaning. The set covers the holiday periods, which include Christmas, New Year and Epiphany Day. The 5…

Τhe murals depicted on this set of three stamps originate from the Chapel of Agios Themonianus (a corruption of the name Agios Euphemianos) from the village of Lysi, now in the Turkish occupied part of Cyprus. The Chapel lies a mile to the south of…

Τhe fresco depicting the Birth of Christ originates from the small Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Vyzakia. The church contains one of most interesting series of wall paintings of the 16th century all of which introduce Venetian…

The icon of the Birth of Christ comes from the church of Panayia Asproforousa, meaning Blessed Virgin Mary of the white robes because of the white robes worn by the monks of the Premontre Order who lived in the medieval Abbey of Bellapaix.


In 2006 the Holy Church of Agiou Eleftheriou, a dependency of Machairas monastery in Lefkosia, celebrated the bicentenary of its construction. The church, hidden from the sights of passers by on Onasagoras street in the old walled city of Lefkosia,…

All the icons of the Christmas set originate from the Church of Panagia Katholiki which stands in the middle of the village of Pelendri. They date from the very early 16th century. The village lies south east of the village of Kato Amiandos in the…
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