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Archdeacon Stephen the First - Martyr
Saint Stephen the First - Martyr and Archdeacon holds a closed cylindrical box . From his left shoulder a narrow lane with the written words Saint - Saint - Saint is visible. It is the ''Orarion''. The wall - painting is located in the niche beside…
On the east wall, north of the apse, an Angel is depicted in a starry sky covering his face with his garment in a sign of mourning. Here lies the original place for the ''Prothesis''.
Saint Eleftherios and Saint Hypatios
On the north wall of the Bema in the Katholikon, Saint Eleftherios and Saint Hypatios are depicted in Bishop's vestments. They are blessing with their right hand and hold a closed book with the left.
Holy Trinity
Οn the east wall of the north aisle of the Katholikon, the Trinity is depicted. It is of western influence : in an arch of Heavens God the Father is seen as an old man, Christ and the Holy Spirit in
the form of a Pigeon, instead of the usual…
the form of a Pigeon, instead of the usual…
Saint Samonas
Saint Samonas is depicted holding a cross with his right hand. The wall - painting is located above the third column ,from the east, of the north arcade of the Katholikon.
Saint Elpidoforos
Saint Elpidoforos is depicted in the east half of the soffit of the fourth arch from the east in the Katholikon. He holds a cross in his right hand and shows an open left palm.
The Prayer of Joachim
Joachim is sitting alone and praying in the wilderness of a mountain. He supports his head with his left hand. An angel approaches and announces to him that soon God will bless them with a child. It is a wall - painting of the vault of the south…
The Offer and Rejection of the gifts of Joachim and Anna.
Joachim and Anna offer gifts to the temple but because the couple had no children, their gifts were not accepted. In front of the church stands the Prophet Zachariah with white mantle and halo. Wall - painting of the vault of the south aisle of the…
Stanza Ψ and Ω of the Akathist Hymn:
Christ blesses laity and clergy and those who beg to be saved from the future Hell.
Stanza Ψ of the Akathist Hymn:
Virgin Mary is seated on her throne, having the Child on her lap. The Child blesses the laity and clergy who stand on both sides and honor Virgin Mary by chanting to her, considering her as a Living…
Virgin Mary is seated on her throne, having the Child on her lap. The Child blesses the laity and clergy who stand on both sides and honor Virgin Mary by chanting to her, considering her as a Living…
Stanza X of the Akathist Hymn :
The forgiveness of human sins.
Stanza X of the Akathist Hymn:
Christ is standing at the east of a church tearing a scroll, the manuscript of our infringements. People before his feet, offer him adoration because of their salvation. The wall - painting is located at the vault of…
Christ is standing at the east of a church tearing a scroll, the manuscript of our infringements. People before his feet, offer him adoration because of their salvation. The wall - painting is located at the vault of…