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Unknown artist. Oil on canvas.40 x 30 cm. Spanish (origin) art

Αγνώστου καλλιτέχνη. Ελαιογραφία σε καμβά. 40 x 30 cm. Ισπανική τέχνη

Θυμιατήριο από ασβεστόλιθο ρωμαϊκής εποχής.

Η ευρύτερη περιοχή της Κυθρέας αποτελούσε μια όαση στους πρόποδες της οροσειράς του Πενταδακτύλου, με την τεράστια ποικιλία βιοτόπων…

With this issue, Cyprus Post celebrates the centenary of the Anorthosis Football Club which since its foundation in 1911 has been an energetic contributor to both the sporting and cultural life of the country.

In 1934 it became one of the founding…

Rotary International the world’s first service club organization was founded on 23rd February 1905
in Chicago and currently enjoys more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Its motto is Service Above Self.

All members are…
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