
Browse Items (261 total)

The Virgin Mary is painted in the Apse of the Bema enthroned with Christ on her lap between the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. The upper part of her body is utterly destroyed as well as the head of Christ and almost entirely the bodies of the…

Only the upper part of the halo of Christ survives and on the upper part of the Cross there is an inscription " THE KING OF GLORY". The wall - painting is located in the north aisle of the Bema, on the column which is incorporated in the wall. There…

Christ stands at the back of the table of the Last Supper, holding a Chalice with which he offers the Wine to the first Apostle who is followed by five others. Above Christ there is the inscription : " Drink it all of you for this is my blood of the…

The angel is turned to the scene of ''the offering of the Wine'' and holds with the right hand a censer and with the left a lit candle. The wall-painting is found on the south side of the window of the Apse in the Katholikon.

Christ at the back of the table of the Last Supper on which the Paten is placed, gives the Apostles the Bread, His Body. Peter the Apostle is the first and there follow the five Apostles. Above the scene it is written from right to left "Take it.…
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