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The Games of 1980 in Moscow will live in history for the incredibly astonishing opening and closing ceremonies. The mascot of the Games was the little bear Misha, made of cardboard which hundreds of children in the stands had brought with them. The…

The commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1998 reaffirmed the aspirations and the spirit contained in that historic document. The Declaration remains an inspiration, for although the work of the…

Chalcedony is a finer- grained variety of quartz, which may vary in color from light brown to reddish brown; the latter is better known as carnelian. Moss agate is gray or bluish chalcedony with dark dentritic inclusions of ten of an iron compound.…

The moufflon is a wild mountain sheep. Wilhelm von Boldensele undertook in 1333 a pilgrimage to the Holy Places and arrived in Cyprus from Rhodes; in his book published in 1336 he wrote: ""There are in the mountains of Cyprus wild sheep with hair…

Loukis Akritas was one of the most distinguished intellectual personalities of 20th Century Cyprus. He was born in Morphou in 1908 into a large but poor family. He studied in Morphou and graduated from the Pancyprian Gymnasium. He wrote articles for…

When in 1840 Sir Rowland Hill invented the first postage stamp in the world, little did he now that stamp collecting would become a great universal hobby. In time it became known as the "King of hobbies and a hobby of Kings". King George V was an…
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