This set closed a chapter in the history of Cyprus stamps that did not portray the island's soul, traditions and values. It was a period where the ideal was everything British and more over that of the King or Queen. In the stamps of this period…
This set closed a chapter in the history of Cyprus stamps that did not portray the island's soul, traditions and values. It was a period where the ideal was everything British and more over that of the King or Queen. In the stamps of this period…
Apollo, Zeus’ son by Leto was a seven-month child, but Gods grow up swiftly. Themis fed him on nectar and ambrosia, and when the fourth day dawned he called for bow and arrows with which Hephaestus at once provided him. Apollo had long been in love…
Apollo, Zeus’ son by Leto was a seven-month child, but Gods grow up swiftly. Themis fed him on nectar and ambrosia, and when the fourth day dawned he called for bow and arrows with which Hephaestus at once provided him. Apollo had long been in love…
The stamp depicts the "Palaestra" wrestling school, which forms part of the sanctuary of Apollo Hylates in Curium and erected circa 100 A.D. In the 4th century the Phoenician "Reshef " became identified with the God Apollo and "Hylates", the local…
On 18th December 1965 the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 2077(xx) on Cyprus, and having recalled all the S ecurity Council Resolutions of 1964 and 1965, and parts of the Declaration adopted on 10th October 1964 by the Heads of…
On 4th March 1964, the Security Council adopted unanimously Resolution 186(1964) whereby noting the situation with regard to Cyprus: Called upon all members to refrain from the threat of use of force against the territorial integrity or political…