Mouldmade terracotta statuette of sitting woman with a child in her arms. The worman sits on a chair with back support, resting her feet on a small foot stool. She is possibly dressed in a peplos and her hair is concealed by a veil, showing only the…
Conical base with conical cavity underneath. Short stem with encircling mid-ridge. Conical lower and mid-body. Cylindrical upper body. Sharp rim. Round, horizontal handles on mid-body. Inside decoration; six concentric circles on bottow. Twelve lines…
Round base; hemispherical body; plain rim; vertical string hole projection at rim; wide spout opposite string hole projection. Hard, light buff clay; lustrous black paint with reddish brown to brownish red decoration; two bands of parallel lines…
Round base; hemispherical body; plain rim; large, raised loop-hole handle below rim. Hard, light buff clay; lustrous black paint with reddish brown to brownish red decoration; two bands of parallel lines crossing the base at right angles on both…