
Browse Items (46 total)

  • Date is exactly "1544 μ.Χ"

Saint John Kalyvitis (living in a hut) wears a monastic garment and mantle, holding the Gospel and having open the free palm. The wall - painting is located in the soffit of the second arch of the south collonade in the Katholikon.

Saint Lawrence ( Lavrentios ) the deacon, beardless and with short hair holds a lit candle and a censer. His garment is white and gold embroidered. The wall - painting is located on the south of the central niche of the Katholikon.

Saint Luke holds closed Gospel. It is an icon at the top series of the north aisle of the iconostasis of the Katholikon. Dimensions 49 x 57 cm. Painted by Joseph Chourri.
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