
Browse Items (493 total)

The church of the Virgin Mary at Lysi before 1974, beside the church, the chapel of Prophetis Elias. Right, the chapel was
demolished after 1974 by the Turkish invaders.

The church of Timios Prodromos in Argaki as seen today after being looted by the invaders.

The church of Chrysosoteros in Chrisiliou. The church
is ruined and its holy icons and items were stolen, while the church was converted by the Turks into a 0morgue. The altar has, also been destroyed.

Current photo of the parish of Syrkania. The Church of Agia Anna tis Syrkanias was built around 1850. The Church has been converted into a mosque. Many of its icons had been brought from the older church of Agia Anna. Its iconostasis dates to the…
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