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  • Tags: Εικόνες--Μεταβυζαντινές--Κύπρος

Four martyrs of Sebaste are represented on the eastern face of the soffit of the arch of the north wall.

From right to left, they are recognised as Saint Mardarios with its distinctive red vivid cap, Saint Evyenios as a yound man, Saint Ayxentios…

In the niche of diakonikon, the southern area of the sanctuary within the bema area, Saint Trifyllios, Bishop of Ledra, is depicted. Similarly to Saint John the Merciful, he is depicted as a prelate.

Monument materials:
Image 1: Altered Gabbro
Image 2: Altered Weathered Gabbro
Image 3: Calcarenite
Image 4: Calcarenite
Image 5: Calcarenite
Image 6: Diabase
Image 7: Lava Andesite
Image 8: Lava Andesite
Image 9: Oxidized Diabase
Image 10:…

The panel of Saint Anastasia Pharmakolitria and Donor Anastasia Saramalina lies on the south apse of the narthex, on the right side of Saint George on the Ηorseback and is dated to the late thirteenth century.
Saint Anastasia was painted in her…

The murals on the southern half of the central part of the arch of the nave consist of four scenes depicting significant moments of the early life of Christ. They portray the Nativity and Presentation in the Temple (above) and the Baptism and…

Frontally illustrated are two panels of saints which flank either side of the western door, leading from the naos to the narthex. The figures of these monks belong to the original wall-painting programme, as does the western side of the naos. All…

Saint Onouphrios occupies the lower zone of the added north respond of the naos and dates along with Nikephoros and Symeon to the sixteenth century. Along with Onouphrios, above him are ascetic saints. Presumably the familiarity of the monastic…

The sail vault of the narthex is decorated with the figure of Christ in the iconographic type of Pantokrator, the Supreme Judge. The wall-painting was part of the narthex’s decorative composition with the concept of the Last Judgement spread…

Pantokrator is surrounded by twelve medallions located at a lower level than Him which contain the Mother of God, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, a seraph and eight more angels.
The presence of each figure in the medallions serves a purpose. …
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