The best-known and richest monastery of Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery was founded in 1100 and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It possesses one of three surviving icons ascribed to Saint Luke. It is covered in silver gilt, enclosed in a shrine of tortoise…
The best-known and richest monastery of Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery was founded in 1100 and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It possesses one of three surviving icons ascribed to Saint Luke. It is covered in silver gilt, enclosed in a shrine of tortoise…
The best-known and richest monastery of Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery was founded in 1100 and dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It possesses one of three surviving icons ascribed to Saint Luke. It is covered in silver gilt, enclosed in a shrine of tortoise…
Heraklidiou, the son of a pagan priest, was ordained Bishop of Tamassos by Saints Paul and Barnabas. He was martyred at the age of 60 and buried in the cave where he had lived and from where he preached the Gospel. In 400 AD a church was built over…
Agia Moni Monastery is linked to the very origins of monasticism in Cyprus. According to tradition, the monastery was founded around 300 AD by Agios Nicolas and Agios Eutychios, as a place of prayer and contemplation. A sacred relic which had been…