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Cypriots place great importance on blessings and wishes. They desire from the depths of their hearts that such wishes come to pass. The more virtuous is the person making the wish the higher is the probability of the wish coming true. The blessings…

Chalcedony is a finer- grained variety of quartz, which may vary in color from light brown to reddish brown; the latter is better known as carnelian. Moss agate is gray or bluish chalcedony with dark dentritic inclusions of ten of an iron compound.…

Chalcolithic Wine Jars and the History of Wine in Cyprus
Since antiquity, grapes have been one of the most famous agricultural products and foodstuffs of Cyprus, as well as one of the basic nutritional elements of the Cypriot diet. The vine has been…

Capacity: 70.000 m3
Year of Operation: 1980
Type: Earthfill
Category: Large Dam
Designed by: Water Development Department
Constructed by: Cybarco Ltd

By Papanikolaou Spyros (1906-1986). Oil on canvas. 50 x 33 cm.
A painting of a chapel close to a small harbor. Papanikolaou was born at the monastery of Trifillias and studied at the School of Fine Arts in Athens and served as assistant at the…

By the artist Papasavvas Stavros (1928 – )
Oil on canvas. 19.5 x 27 cm
An illustration of a chapel in the Athenian area of Attiki in Greece, by the Greek artist Stavros Papasavvas. Born in Xanthi, in 1928, Papasavvas studied at the School of Fine…

By the artist Papasavas Stavros (1928 – ). Oil on canvas. 19.5 x 27 cm
An illustration of a chapel in the Athenian area of Attiki in Greece, by the Greek artist Stavros Papasavvas. Born in Xanthi, in 1928, Papasavvas studied at the School of Fine…

Το Παρεκκλήσιο ευρίσκεται σε επίπεδο τεμάχιο στην βορειοανατολική πλευρά του χωριού. Ανήκει στον τύπο της μονόκλιτης ξυλόστεγης…

Το Παρεκκλήσιο Αγίας Μαρίνας βρίσκεται σε απόσταση 4 χιλιομέτρων περίπου στα νότια του χωριού. Είναι κτισμένο σε μεγάλο επίπεδο τεμάχιο…
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