Since times immemorial men and women have used beads and jewellery to adorn themselves and to express social standing as well as religious beliefs. In all cultures beads and jewellery were not only traded but kept as movable assets especially in…
Since times immemorial men and women have used beads and jewellery to adorn themselves and to express social standing as well as religious beliefs. In all cultures beads and jewellery were not only traded but kept as movable assets especially in…
Since times immemorial men and women have used beads and jewellery to adorn themselves and to express social standing as well as religious beliefs. In all cultures beads and jewellery were not only traded but kept as movable assets especially in…
Since times immemorial men and women have used beads and jewellery to adorn themselves and to express social standing as well as religious beliefs. In all cultures beads and jewellery were not only traded but kept as movable assets especially in…
Since times immemorial men and women have used beads and jewellery to adorn themselves and to express social standing as well as religious beliefs. In all cultures beads and jewellery were not only traded but kept as movable assets especially in…
Once upon a time, the crab and the fox decided to sow in partnership all the fields of Athalassa. When the time came to reap, they went to the fields and as soon as they began reaping the fox raised such a howl that the crab was terrified. What is…
Once upon a time, the crab and the fox decided to sow in partnership all the fields of Athalassa. When the time came to reap, they went to the fields and as soon as they began reaping the fox raised such a howl that the crab was terrified. What is…
Once upon a time, the crab and the fox decided to sow in partnership all the fields of Athalassa. When the time came to reap, they went to the fields and as soon as they began reaping the fox raised such a howl that the crab was terrified. What is…
In the early Byzantine period gold and silversmiths devoted much of their time to producing crosses, chalices, icons and other liturgical items. However as prosperity grew the demand for jewellery for personal adornment gave the craftsmen new…
From the very early days of Christianity, Orthodox believers displayed a very special reverence to the relics of saints and martyrs. The Holy Cross had a permanent place among such relics and in the history of Cyprus one reads about Saint Helena who…