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Φωτογραφία από την δεκαετία του 1950-1960 από τα μεταλλεία στον Αμίαντο.

Moths are classified as insects and belong to the order of Lepidoptera. Insects are the largest class in the Animal Kingdom and some one million of them have been described to date. They (the insects) represent at least three- quarters of all living…

Painted on the vault over the bema, the fragmentary Ascension shows Jesus Christ in a round mandorla with four angels flanking him.

This stamp depicts a marble statue of Asclepius excavated at Salamis and dating from the Roman period 2nd century A.D. It is in the Cyprus Museum. Asclepius was the son of Apollo by Coronis. At birth his father had carried him off to the cave of…

Monument materials:
Image 1: Altered Gabbro
Image 2: Altered Weathered Gabbro
Image 3: Calcarenite
Image 4: Calcarenite
Image 5: Calcarenite
Image 6: Diabase
Image 7: Lava Andesite
Image 8: Lava Andesite
Image 9: Oxidized Diabase
Image 10:…

In order to numerically examine the structural response of the Asinou church, a Finite Element (FE) model was developed in Abaqus/CAE. For the simulation of the masonry, the stone-mortar composite was treated as a homogenous continuum whose…

Asphodelous aestivus family liliaceae.Wide spread, pefennial plant that blooms from January until July on follow land and sandy places.
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