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  • Collection: Δήμος Αγίου Αθανασίου, Σύγχρονες Φωτογραφίες

Υπήρξε κατά τη δεκαετία του 1920 το σχολείο του άλλοτε μικρού χωριού. Επειδή αποτελεί ένα από τα μοναδικά δημόσια κτήρια που κουβαλά τη…

Program performed in Agios Athanasios by the two well known cypriot folklorist instrument players (specialists on playing the Cypriot traditional instrument PITHKIAVLI, a kind of traditional flute) MICHALIS KOULOUMIS and GIAKOUMIS ATCHIKKOS both born…

Dinos of Bichrome IV ware
Height: 23cm., Rim Diameter: 12.5cm.

In very old times, drinking water was pulled by residents with bucket cans tied with rope from two wells that were at the two squares (1943) and later by fountains which were built in various parts of the village. In that period, due to the good…

The First Primary School in Agios Athanasios was built in 1960. Previously the church and the old primary school which is now the Municipal Cultural Center, were used as classrooms.
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