Saint Nicholas ton Gaton (St. Nicholas of the Cats) is possibly the oldest monastery in Cyprus. The monastery chapel, which dates to the 14th century, was abandoned in the 16th century and was reinstated by Orthodox nuns in the early 1980 s.…
Founded around 1200 by Cypriot recluse and writer Neofytos. The ‘Enkleistra’, a cave that the hermit carved out of the mountains, is covered with some of the finest examples of Byzantine wall painting that date to the 12th and 15th centuries.
Se suele decir que la vida es lo que uno hace de ella. En la bella isla mediterránea de Chipre sus afables habitantes se toman este lema muy en serio. Desde el anciano que se deleita bajo la sombra de un limonero jugando una apasionante partida de…