
Browse Items (135 total)

  • Collection: Church of Panagia of Asinou

Christ the Merciful is depicted on the left side of the templon and is part of the Paraklesis composition, along with His mother and John the Baptist depicted across. This representation corresponds to the Deesis depicted on either side of the…

The busts of the Martyrs of Edessa and Saint Thalelaios, are depicted in the four medallions on the western face of the soffit of the southern wall.
Additionally to the fact that they share the same day of commemoration, as the other three clusters…

Saint Anargyri, moneyless’ saints, occupy the eastern side of the soffit of the southern wall of the central bay.
They are Saint Ermolaos, Saint Panteleimon, Saint Damian and Saint Cosmas. They were practitioners who offered their services without…

A chevron design, decorates the west portal of the south door of the central bay. The motif consists of superimposed wavy red and black lines in turn, on a white setting.

On the east jamb of the southern door of the naos, apotropaic cross with a waived crown of thorns and cryptograms are depicted.
The cross is brown-coloured and the letters black. Both are painted on a white background.
The sixth line of the…

The Mother of God flanked by the Archangels is depicted on the east side of the southern door of the naos. She sits on a rounded throne and holds Jesus Christ as a child in her arms. On the left side of Mary, there is Archangel Michael and…

The portrait of the military par excellence Saint George occupies the panel on the western side of the southern door of the naos, and is included in the fourteenth century mural programme of the church.
Its depiction here does not equally…

The donor portrait is placed on the southern half of the central blind arch, above the entrance of the Asinou church and is dated to the fourteenth century. It depicts the donor, Magistros Nikephoros Ischyrios, offering the replica of the church to…

On the eastern face of the southern strengthened respond, Saint Eustathios is depicted.
Even though corrosion prints occur, they do not indicate any traces of the twelfth century layer. Actually these abrasions were overpainted, during the 1960s…

Saint Kerykos, is located on the south supporting respond of the western transverse arch of the nave. Joachim across seems to look at him.
Saint Kerykos and his mother, Ioulitta, who is depicted on the northern respond were venerated on Cyprus. The…
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