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  • Subject is exactly "Χάρτες--Κύπρος"

The map is from the Italian edition of Ptolemy's ''Geographicae Universae''. Author: Giovanni Antonio Magini, ''Geografia cioe Descrittione Universale della Terra". The map and assorted pages are found in ff. 172-174. Dimensions 302 X 207 mm. Printed…

Author: Sebastian Munster. The map comes from volume V of the Latin edition of his ''Cosmographia Universalis'', pages 997-1000. Publisher: Heinrich Petri. The map is on hand-made white paper. The original margins are saved. Black printing ink,…

The map appears in the edition of Ioannis Janssonius and Henricus Hondius ''Appendix Atlantis'' , published in Amsterdam two years after the original publication of this map in the second volume of Willem Blaeu's opus , ''Atlas Novus'' published…

The map comes from the edition ''Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'', ff. 78. Printer: Abraham Ortelius. Artist: Ioannes a Deutecum. Dimensions of page: 393 X 529 mm. Printed in Antwerp. On the back page is presented a description of Cyprus and Lemnos in the…

The map comes from the German edition ''Beschreibung des ganzen Welt-kreisses''. Author: Alain Manesson Mallet. Printer: J. A. Jung. Dimensions of the page 197 X 144. Printed in Francfort. The map is on hand-made, white paper. The original margins…

The map appears in the Latin edition ''Theatrum Orbis Terrarum'', ff. 70. Printer: Abraham Ortelius. Dimensions of pages: 402 X 537 mm. Printed in Antwerp. The map is printed on a hand-made white paper. The original margins are saved. Black printing…

The map is found in the edition ''Antiquorum illyrici orientalis Episcopatum geographica descriptio''. Writer: Melchior Tavernier. Publisher: Nicolas Sanson. Dimensions of page: 360 X 504 mm. Printed in Paris. The original margins are saved with…

Ο συγκεκριμένος χάρτης χρησιμοποιήθηκε στον Αστυνομικό Σταθμό Περιστερώνας, κατά τη χρονική περίοδο 1960-1970.
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