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  • Date is exactly "2nd May 2013"

Centuries ago, the Greeks and the Romans understood the magic of this herb. Hippocrates, (c460-377 BC) father of medicine, used it as an antiseptic and today, in Greece, it is used as a palliative for a soar throat. Greek oregano has a deeper more…

Oregano is a common specie of the Origamun dubium and belongs to the mint family of herbs. It is a perennial herb growing 20-80cm tall with 3-4mm long purple flowers that are produced in erect spikes. Sometimes it is called wild marjoram. The popular…

Τhe first postal service in Cyprus was established by the Austrians in 1845. In 1871 the first Ottoman post office was opened in Lefkosia and the second in Larnaka in 1873. All were closed in 1878 when a temporary British postal service was…
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