
Browse Items (80 total)

  • Date is exactly "1995"

The Town Hall is built on 2,430 square metres of land and is situated in the south of the densely populated heart of the village, close to the Agios Athanasios central square.

Hall "COSTAS SOFIANOS" is located in the first floor of City Hall of Agios Athanasios operating since 1996 along with the rest of the building. It features a spectator amphitheater with 450 seats and the stage for hosting performances. Around the…

The three oldest public stone buildings in the traditional core of Agios Athanasiοs after restoration. Τhe old Primary School which is now the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Agios Athanasios – refurbished in 2004. The church of Agios…

Εορτασμός της εθνικής επετείου 25ης Μαρτίου στην Απεήτειο Ανωτέρα Σχολή, τη σχολική χρονιά 1994-1995, ομιλήτρια στην εκδήλωση, η φιλόλογος…
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